Making a Call of Duty spectator mode in the browser - Part 1
When I was younger, I spent way too much time on Call of Duty 1 & 2, and I really liked these games. When people talk about the games that make them nostalgic, they often talk about The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, or Age of Empire. For me, Call of Duty 1 & 2 and Need for Speed Most Wanted are the games that make me nostalgic. The goal of this project is to be able to explore the Call of Duty 1 maps directly from the browser, like any spectator mod.
Custom shortcodes for a Hugo website
Having expendable content on a Hugo website using a shortcode and display Font Awesome icons easily.
Going Deeper with Docker
After instantiating my first containers and exploring a little bit more, I ended up with a few containers that I’m happy with on my Raspberry Pi.
Synchronize files with my Synology NAS
Talking about how I synchronize files between my computers and my NAS (DS418), and how to backup these files.
Discovering Docker
Learning to use Docker has been on my to-do list for a few years now, and I recently decided to dive in and discover how to use it.